Why Are Big Tits So Appealing ?

When it comes to tits, big or small, fair or dark we love them all!:

If you want to know the actual and correct response to the most basic and old question asks why the big tits are so attractive for both men and women then you have come to the right place. If you want to find out the reason then you have to read this full article so that you can leave this article with zero questions on your mind. 

Boobs are a part of our body so they might not have as much importance for us as for men. Let’s clear one thing at the very staring men love boobs and they love it very much and nothing can change this fact since it’s a universal truth. Here we are going to find out the reasons behind this truth. 

Why Are Big Tits So Appealing?

The question that remains in the head what is the reason that men love big tits so much finally we are going to find out the reason behind this but first let us clear one thing yes men love big bobs but only straight men do, gay man has nothing to do with the breast because they are not at all interested about the female body. Big natural tits are something that every woman wants. 

Straight men are interested in female bodies and that is why they can not see breasts as big fat bags drooping from the chests of women. Scientists never really found a reason why men admire big tits so much but theorists came up with many explanations that are able to describe why people and especially men are so attracted to big boobs. 

What is just a mammary gland for us that plays a huge sexual role for men? As per many researchers, the main reason why men find big tits so attractive is because of the sexual role they play while lovemaking. This is just how females love big penises in the male body. Another theory says that men generally get attracted to big boobs beacuse they simply look attractive. 

If a woman has big breasts then he looks good in everything and that is a great advantage for men because they want their woman to look beautiful every time. So that is the reason why men are mostly attracted to those women who have large breasts. That is most likely to happen with South Asian females because they have big Asian tits. 

There are many other reasons like the fact that big tits are a symbol of a healthy body. If a woman has a curvy body and a pair of large breasts that means that she is healthy. But there are some exceptions here. You have to remember that this theory is not right all the time. Large boobs and curvy body is something that some women get through their jeans. 

Like people who are from South Asia are most likely to have curvy bodies and comparatively North Asian big tits are not a very normal thing to have. Big boobs are so popular that big tits mom is one of the most searched inquiries on the internet. 

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Here we like to mention one thing if you think that men all over the world are super obsessed with big boobs then you might be wrong because that’s not the case. This is something that is important completely based on which culture of men we are talking about. 

Let’s provide you with some information about the study that was organized in 1951 in around 191 cultures over the globe. This survey was held by ethologist Frank Beach anthropologist and Clellan Ford, and they found out that only men from 13 cultures think that it is important for women to have big tits in order to be sexually attractive. 

As per the study, most men from south africa think that it is essential to have big tits for women to become sexually attractive. But men from the rest of 178 cultures did not see big boobs as such an important element in sexual activities. Asian big tits are considered to be attractive for Asian men. 

There is also a reason behind this. Not women from every part of the world have big boobs so in that parts big boobs are something that is never considered to be attractive because women from that part do not have them. Big Asian tits are not something that is very common. 

Importance Of Big Tits

To give sexual pleasure to the partner is not the main reason for having big boobs. The main advantage of having big boobs is to feed the offspring after some initial years after birth and that is the most important advantage of having big breasts for a woman. Big boobs are an indicator that shows that the woman is healthy and she can produce a sufficient amount of breast milk for her child to have. 

Even if she has one or more than one baby at the same time, all of her children need to have breast milk for at least 2 to 3 years and if a woman has big tits then she might have no problem producing and holding milk. This is why many people think that it is important to have big boobs. 


In this article, we have given you the response to one of the most common inquiries that ask why are big tits so attractive and we give you the response with information as much as possible. 

To sum it up all we can say is that there are many reasons why both men and women want big boobs and all those reasons are mentioned here. We hope that you find this article worth your time and if you have any questions related to this article then you can ask those questions in our comment box. 

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