Which Of The Following Is Not A Creative Thinking Exercise Entrepreneurs Use To Generate Ideas?

Which Of The Following Is Not A Creative Thinking Exercise Entrepreneurs Use To Generate Ideas?

Question: Which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas?


uncheckedA) Challenge the Usual

checkedB) Judge Each Idea as Realistic or Not

uncheckedC) Draw Idea Maps

uncheckedD) Think Backward

Answer: Judge Each Idea as Realistic or Not


Here we are going to give you an explanation of the answer we gave you to your question that asks which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas? There are a variety of creative thinking exercises that are frequently used by entrepreneurs to produce ideas for their businesses and that also encourages invention. 

They like to break free from the conventional type of thinking patterns and encourage the new ideas that come into their mind. The creative thinking exercises A, C, and D are licit creative thinking exercises for entrepreneurs. Still, option B, which entails judging each idea based on its realistic or fantastic rates, isn’t generally considered creative thinking. 

Let’s take a closer look at these exercises and explain why judging ideas grounded on their literalism isn’t aligned with creative thinking.

1) Challenge The Usual 

Challenge The Usual 

Now we are going to explain the other options of the question: which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas? Entrepreneurs generally identify openings for clapping, instituting, and securing their businesses. 

They do it by challenging the usual and coming up with a different idea. This tendency to question the usual gives them the capacity to break the being norm, routines, and hypotheticals and come up with a new direction.

This whole process involves basically that step where the entrepreneurs question the existing practices and morals. They examine these practices in a critical way and identify different areas so that they can break complexity. They introduce some new ideas around all those areas, and break the practices and morals in the process.

2) Draw Idea Maps 

Draw Idea Maps 

Another process called creating mind charts allows entrepreneurs to organize their ideas. Creating an idea chart is a process where the entrepreneur creates illustrations connecting different generalities and studies related to a specific conception. 

Entrepreneurs can identify new connections through the visualization of the relationship between different rudiments of their ideas. This exercise helps them to produce nonlinear thinking and leads them to explore different kinds of possibilities. Occasionally this leads them to follow new results, ideas, and more. 

So, grounded on the question asked, easily drawing a mind chart is creative thinking. That is why we gave you the answer to the question that asks which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas?

3) Think Backward

Think Backward

Allowing backward takes an entrepreneur through the aft way to come up with that massive original drive for running. It leads them to have an imagination of what they want to achieve and work backward to search for what they need to do if they want to reach there.

This imaginative situation allows those entrepreneurs to make their fantasies about those  effects that are beyond their recent circumstances. When they’re picturing themselves at the end of things, they allow themselves to challenge the constraints and the issues that stops hem from achieving it. 

occasionally it also leads to indispensable paths that they hadn’t considered otherwise. One can fluently suspect allowing backward is a process to allow entrepreneurs to suppose out of the box. These are the reasons you choose the second option as the answer to the question: which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas? 

Which Of The Following Is Not A Creative Thinking Exercise Entrepreneurs Use To Generate Ideas?

Which Of The Following Is Not A Creative Thinking Exercise Entrepreneurs Use To Generate Ideas?

We already gave you an answer to the question that asks which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas? Now we are going to explain what is the process that the entrepreneur uses to generate creative ideas. There are mostly two stages in this thinking process and here we provide a detailed study of these two stages. 

Stage 1: The Phase Of Creativeness

The Phase Of Creativeness

At the time when all those entrepreneurs are searching for any new and creative ideas, entrepreneurs often allow themselves to come up with an idea at first and then think about the judgment of the situation. In this situation, they often do not bring any reasons with them. 

Still, it’s very frequent for entrepreneurs to be dismissive of their ideas while they’re in their unseasonable stage. The phase of creativity is about taking pitfalls and embracing uncertain effects. They explore new possibilities, pushing boundaries and pushing different boundaries and suppose beyond their current positions.

This allows an entrepreneur to make their business stand out in the request. In this phase, they come up with unconventional results and improvements with innovative results. This is the first stage of creative thinking but the second stage is the realistic one that is why we choose option B for the answer to the question: which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas?

Stage 2: The Phase Of Judgement

The Phase Of Judgement

In the second stage when an entrepreneur is judging the reality approach of the idea, they like being realistic about that situation. This is not the stage where they leave an idea to a complete passion, imagination, or just the idea being itself. They have different parameters allowing them to estimate these ideas as a real business idea.

Certain parameters for judging these ideas would include judging it grounded on request demand, resource demand, finances, specialized feasibility, nonsupervisory restrictions, and the wide competitive geography.

Judgment during the creativity phase can beget the redundancy of lots of unseasonable ideas. But, judging an idea grounded only on original literalism can affect an Incremental Allowing Mindset. This leads the entrepreneurs to follow ideas that fit into their being products, ideas, and services.


This article started with a question that asks which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas? We tried our best to provide you with an answer that covers all the aspects of this question and we hope that you liked our answer. 

To wrap it up it can be said that for any new idea, people need a welcoming environment and culture that initiates creative thinking.

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